Saturday 4 May 2019

(6D2) PPP3: Study Task 'Time To Get Online'

After using both Square Space and Wix to put together a website, I was struggling in terms of it looking professional and to a standard where I actually liked it. So I visited the page on E-Studio again and decided to use Adobe Portfolio as I knew this would give me a finish I thought worked best.

I did purchase a monthly subscription for this but thought it would be most beneficial in the long term when I am publishing my website and having it on an online presence as clients will appreciate a place where they can solely look at my portfolio.

I chose the website domain/url to just be my name, Ciara O'Callaghan as I am not a studio in myself and will probably be using my website mostly to get freelance work.

The link to my website is also in my Instagram Bio so people can also access it from there as I have most of my following within that platform.

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