Sunday, 5 May 2019

(6B2) PPP3: Future Plans


Over the next few months I am more determined than ever to create some work to sell, for me I think creating A4/A5 prints would be a good place to start because I think my design style suits this. It's something which I have wanted to do for a while now and there is now no excuse not to do it. It would be a good starting point to get myself out there and get my work known by people and could hopefully lead to some freelance work. 

Now I have got a solid personal branding for myself I would feel confident in setting up a website to sell my work on and creating promotional material in order to advertise it.


As life throws things at you, I've learnt that you may have to adapt to what is going on around you, and for the next year it is best for me to move a bit closer to home for situations that are happening within my personal life. However, this isn't the end of the world for me because I am going to be moving to Liverpool for the next year or so and moving in with my two college friends Isabel and Rachel. They are both graduating from creative subjects- Isabel, Visual Communication and Rachel, Illustration, therefore I will be living in a really creative space and we plan on using this to our advantage.

Since college we have joked that we would set up a business together and now it is something we are beginning to think quite seriously about. Having so many skills between us we could create something great.

We even have a Pinterest board for our interior design goals...

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