Tuesday 7 May 2019

PPP3: Evaluation

Throughout my three years of university and completing 3 PPP modules, I can confidently say that they have really helped me in both my design confidence and my self confidence. I have learnt so many new skills and gained so much knowledge and advice throughout, it has been really important especially now in the last month of university and knowing how I can take what I have learnt forward into the real world and the world of employment. Each PPP session has taught me lots of new things and each tutor every year has been really helpful in terms of this also. Learning skills on how to be a professional and how to go about finding work is something that I am really appreciative of within this module as I think its a really key thing that students should be taught about whilst studying a degree and I know I can always go to tutors for any kind of help and advice following graduating.

Monday 6 May 2019

(6C2) PPP3: Presentation and Notes

Why do I have my own personal branding and how do I think it represents me.

Discuss why the website and Instagram are important for me and my future plans, why do I have them any why are they useful in general

Talk about my style and what inspires me, what kind of briefs have I completed

(6C2) PPP3: Planning Presentation Slides

  • Intro
  • Self Branding
  • Website
  • Instagram page
  • My work on a couple of slides 
  • Collaborations and how they have been helpful
  • My manifesto
  • My plans for the next few years
  • Collaborative business plan
  • Ultimate goals 
  • How I can use my skills to achieve these goals
  • How PPP has helped
  • Evaluation

Try and keep the presentation mostly visual 

Sunday 5 May 2019

(6C2) PPP3: Design Strategy File Slides

(6C2) PPP3: Evaluating My Skills

  • Adobe software
  • Networking
  • Print facilities
  • Digital print
  • Screen print
  • PPP skills
  • Client work
  • Self employment

Although I have never at all considered myself as a confident person, having a vast range of skills is something I have always prided myself upon and throughout these past three years at university both my physical and social skills have improved a great amount. I can confidently say I have a good understanding of Adobe software, which will help me in both my freelance work and if I begin to work for a company, as I will be able to say I can fully use the most popular software. This also applies to my skills for more traditional print methods like screen-printing, which should also be appealing to any employers as I can show my skills range from both digital and traditional print. Moreover, I think throughout the three years of PPP I have learnt a great deal about the industry I am in and how to handle myself as a professional. I feel confident in how to approach a client and how I would go about finding work and I also understand the importance of networking and keeping up to date with what is going on. Attending a careers talk on being self employed has also taught me a great deal when it comes to having to stand on my own two feet and to be completely independent and reliant on myself. These skills will not be forgotten and I am confident that they will each come in use at one point in my life or another.

(6B2) PPP3: Manifesto

'Being part of the creative community means I have a powerful role in changing peoples perceptions and actions for the greater good. I want to use my knowledge and skills to create a positive impact and find creative solutions to problems that we may face. I am truly passionate about what I do and feel I have a purpose to help build a better and safer environment. I want to work closely with other creative people and also learn from them as it is important to be forever learning new things.'

(6B2) PPP3: Manifesto Drafting

'Being a creative can be so inspiring to the world around us, it gives me a great opportunity to use my voice as a positive impact. People look to art and design to feel inspired and empowered, I feel incredibly lucky to be part of this community and will forever pledge to try and make a difference and find creative solutions to problems. I love how people are celebrated within this community and the talent of other inspire one another.'

- Doesn't fully make sense
- Includes what I want to be said but it doesn't flow that well
- It could be more concise
- I haven't really said how I want my skills to be used

'Being part of this creative community means I can put forward my knowledge and skills in order to form a positive impact on the world. People will often look to art and design to feel inspired and empowered, therefore I want to use this opportunity for the greater good and create work that will put forward this positive impact to people around.'

'Being part of the creative community means I have a powerful role in changing peoples perceptions and actions for the greater good. I want to use my knowledge and skills to create a positive impact and find creative solutions to problems that we may face. I am truly passionate about what I do and feel I have a purpose to help build a better and safer environment. I want to work closely with other creative people and also learn from them as it is important to be forever learning new things.'