Saturday 4 May 2019

(6D2) PPP3: Personal Branding- Instagram Presence

Having a design Instagram account separate to my personal one is something which I think is really important because Instagram is such a huge platform now and it is used by millions of people everyday. Obviously it is useful for my work because it means I can share pictures of what I create and of images that inspire my work, it is a lot more professional than my personal account which I also think is important because I have it linked to my website and also on my business cards, therefore a client would be expecting to see a business like profile.

Its also an account where I follow solely creative people and design accounts because I think its really important to keep up to date with my favourite designers and I also find it motivating to have a scroll through when I am in need of any ideas or I am lacking motivation. Instagram is also a great way to communicate with other designers and it can be a place to get contacts and network with others

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