Saturday 4 May 2019

(6D2) PPP3: Personal Branding- Logo

A logo is something I haven't considered that much up until now as I have only really had my Instagram as any online presence. However, I am aware that it can be incredibly important and useful to have for many reasons, people will recognise you from your logo, it can be used for trademark/watermark on work and the majority of people within design will all use a logo.

What do I want my logo to be like?

  • Represent me
  • Show my personality 
  • Follow a similar style to my work
  • Be bold and colourful
  • Do I want my full name or shortened?
I have seen a lot of people create mood boards when it came to their logo and it allows for a colour scheme to be formed. Pink is definitely a colour that I use a lot in my work and would definitely associate with my personality.

I put together these images and picked out 4 key colours from them that I thought stood out most, I have applied these to my logo and picked a font that really stood out to me. I think the combination of the two work really nicely to create a fun looking logo. It was also an important consideration to work out what I was going to use for my logo, whether I would use my full name or whether I would shorten it because it is a long name and I would prefer my logo to be adaptable for both small and large sizes.

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