Sunday 5 May 2019

(6C2) PPP3: Evaluating My Skills

  • Adobe software
  • Networking
  • Print facilities
  • Digital print
  • Screen print
  • PPP skills
  • Client work
  • Self employment

Although I have never at all considered myself as a confident person, having a vast range of skills is something I have always prided myself upon and throughout these past three years at university both my physical and social skills have improved a great amount. I can confidently say I have a good understanding of Adobe software, which will help me in both my freelance work and if I begin to work for a company, as I will be able to say I can fully use the most popular software. This also applies to my skills for more traditional print methods like screen-printing, which should also be appealing to any employers as I can show my skills range from both digital and traditional print. Moreover, I think throughout the three years of PPP I have learnt a great deal about the industry I am in and how to handle myself as a professional. I feel confident in how to approach a client and how I would go about finding work and I also understand the importance of networking and keeping up to date with what is going on. Attending a careers talk on being self employed has also taught me a great deal when it comes to having to stand on my own two feet and to be completely independent and reliant on myself. These skills will not be forgotten and I am confident that they will each come in use at one point in my life or another.

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