Saturday 4 May 2019

(6C2) PPP3: My CV

My Current CV

My CV was last updated throughout the summer of 2018, so it is pretty up to date. I am sticking with this CV as a precaution as I do not know where I will end up job-wise after graduation so having this alongside my portfolio is a good way of showing any potential client/job opportunity my wide range of skills and that I have had jobs outside of education so have lots of experience. Upon re-reading this CV, I have made a few changes to update it slightly as I wanted it to include a bit more about my university experience and what skills that has lead me to gain. 

When I initially wrote this CV, I got advice of a family member who worked in an environment where she read CV's therefore I know this is to a good and professional standard as she recently re-visited it with me over the summer when it did need a bit more updating.

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