Monday 6 March 2017

Studio Brief 2 - Self Branding

Website Ideas

Creating my own website to sell my work and promote ideas, these are some screenshots of existing websites of some designers I find inspiring. 

Firstly, this website was created by illustrator Polly Vadasz who is also a student at Leeds College of Art, I find Polly inspiring not only due to the work she creates but also how she runs her shop along side studying for her degree. 

This website is illustrator Gemma Correll's, her work is incredibly funny and this reflects on her website. Within the 2 screenshots, you can see how the little illustrations turn red I thought this touch was quite interesting and makes it a lot more interactive for the user.

This website was created by designer Adam J. Kurtz, I was quite surprised when I saw this website because it was a lot more minimal than I was expecting compared to his work- personally I do not like this website as I think it is very boring.

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