Thursday 23 March 2017

Studio Brief 03 - Design Strategy Presentation- Planning

Key points and questions to consider for the presentation

What have you learned and what do you want to learn? 
What mistakes have you made and how have you learned from them? 
How will this affect your future development? 
What are your strengths and how have you/will you develop them further? 
What are your weaknesses and how do you intend to address these? 
What have you enjoyed and why? 
What have you disliked and why? 
How does this affect your ambitions? 
What did you want to get from the year? 
Have you achieved this? 
What have you discovered that you weren’t expecting?

Mind-maps of some of the pointers raised within the questions I can include within the presentation, I don't want to make it too wordy because it will become really boring for the viewers if they were having to read every single slide religiously. It will be way more interesting if I spoke with just a few bits of imagery within the background and just small bits of text here and there.

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