Monday 27 March 2017

Final Evaluation

Self Branding Feedback

Before presenting, I was incredibly nervous especially because this presentation had to be 7 minutes long- something which I had never come close to doing before. My nerves got the better of me within the first few slides so it was good that there was quite a bit of text for me to fall back on, otherwise I would of completely forgot what to say entirely and the presentation would of got of to a really rubbish start which would of knocked my confidence. However, the more I got into the presentation then the easier it was to talk and become more relaxed. When the presentation finished and I received my feedback, I was really happy with the responses from Penny and Ben and the rest of the group. The responses I got was that it was really nice to hear something so personal and that told a story, the points made in the presentation were really honest in terms of how difficult I found uni to start with. I think the whole process of PPP this first year has helped me more than I actually realised, now I have had to time to reflect on the past year and it has defiantly increased my confidence if only slightly because I was able to present for 7 minutes.

Final Evaluation

Overall, I think the whole process of PPP throughout this first year has been beneficial to both my practice within university but also myself outside of uni therefore helping me to develop as both a designer and individual. In terms of how I think PPP has helped with my university practice, it has helped me understand the design world and what it means to succeed beyond university. It is also is through the sessions each Thursday and how each one would be a new topic, it never seemed repetitive, this is beneficial because it meant each week we would touch upon something new and could take full advantage of learning various skills. The topics that were discussed in each session were also incredibly relevant and especially helpful when it came to issues such as stress and time management, which have defiantly helped me within the first year as it has been a lot of work to get used to so just by understanding small tips on how to relive these benefited me when managing my time. I have also enjoyed PPP because it also about preparing us for the years post university, so by having Penny and John who both have first hand industry experience give us their tips and stories about having design jobs. It was beneficial to hear how they have worked on live briefs, worked collaboratively and even contacted other designers, this has excited me for the future but has also given me a boost to contact designers or artists myself even if it is only to tell them I like their work. Additionally, in terms of what we have produced physically for PPP I think has been successful and I have also enjoyed doing it, it has allowed me to reflect upon the past year and see just how far I have come. The two presentations have been very nerve-wracking because I wouldn’t consider myself at all confident enough to stand in front a group of people and discuss my work; it is something I have only ever done on a small scale however, I thought the final presentation went a lot better than the self-branding because I had already done one presentation so knew I was more than capable to present the second. PPP has taught me valuable lessons and I can see a positive change in my confidence when it comes to my work and myself, I think this is a valuable module that I enjoy because it teaches you life skills inside and outside of university.

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