Monday 6 March 2017

Studio Brief 2 - Self Branding Research

Myself as a brand?

What qualities in myself could transfer onto a brand/my characteristics that I want to reflect (or not)...

  • Understanding of others
  • Incredibly patient
  • Unique
  • Into more of the traditional style of graphic design (printing processes and illustration)
  • I would avoid all Adobe products if I could
  • I don't want to produce work like everyone else
  • Not what you would call a 'typical' graphic designer
  • Would say I'm very confident in myself (slowly getting there with my work)
  • Have a very particular type of colour/colour palette I like to use within my work
  • I don't take well to compliments of any kind (work or personal)
  • My motivation to do well in uni and life is so I can have my own home, studio and lots of dogs
  • I cannot work without a cup of tea
Initial ideas I could explore:

  • Speaking to my mum about this brief, the first thing she said was 'stresshead' because I get VERY stressed about everything (even this presentation) so creating something that tells people straight away I'm stressful but working under pressure works
  • As I am not great with speaking to people I do not know, I think something that explains who I am straight away will break the ice
  • An ice-breaker- something with humour to defer away from the fact I could be incredibly nervous when speaking to people, perhaps a business card with a twist
  • I think colour reflects a persons personality so creating something with my standard colour scheme may work
  • I think also people think lots of designers like to sit down in a coffee shop and shut the world out with their laptop- a diversion to encourage people to sit down and chat to discuss work
  • A business card- simple yet effective, create something people won't forget (a joke, a quote an illustration)
  • I focus a lot on making people happy, that could be reflected onto a business card itself with a little quote encouraging people to smile.

  • A distraction from my nerves
  • An ice-breaker
  • Something with humour

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