Monday, 27 March 2017

Final Evaluation

Self Branding Feedback

Before presenting, I was incredibly nervous especially because this presentation had to be 7 minutes long- something which I had never come close to doing before. My nerves got the better of me within the first few slides so it was good that there was quite a bit of text for me to fall back on, otherwise I would of completely forgot what to say entirely and the presentation would of got of to a really rubbish start which would of knocked my confidence. However, the more I got into the presentation then the easier it was to talk and become more relaxed. When the presentation finished and I received my feedback, I was really happy with the responses from Penny and Ben and the rest of the group. The responses I got was that it was really nice to hear something so personal and that told a story, the points made in the presentation were really honest in terms of how difficult I found uni to start with. I think the whole process of PPP this first year has helped me more than I actually realised, now I have had to time to reflect on the past year and it has defiantly increased my confidence if only slightly because I was able to present for 7 minutes.

Final Evaluation

Overall, I think the whole process of PPP throughout this first year has been beneficial to both my practice within university but also myself outside of uni therefore helping me to develop as both a designer and individual. In terms of how I think PPP has helped with my university practice, it has helped me understand the design world and what it means to succeed beyond university. It is also is through the sessions each Thursday and how each one would be a new topic, it never seemed repetitive, this is beneficial because it meant each week we would touch upon something new and could take full advantage of learning various skills. The topics that were discussed in each session were also incredibly relevant and especially helpful when it came to issues such as stress and time management, which have defiantly helped me within the first year as it has been a lot of work to get used to so just by understanding small tips on how to relive these benefited me when managing my time. I have also enjoyed PPP because it also about preparing us for the years post university, so by having Penny and John who both have first hand industry experience give us their tips and stories about having design jobs. It was beneficial to hear how they have worked on live briefs, worked collaboratively and even contacted other designers, this has excited me for the future but has also given me a boost to contact designers or artists myself even if it is only to tell them I like their work. Additionally, in terms of what we have produced physically for PPP I think has been successful and I have also enjoyed doing it, it has allowed me to reflect upon the past year and see just how far I have come. The two presentations have been very nerve-wracking because I wouldn’t consider myself at all confident enough to stand in front a group of people and discuss my work; it is something I have only ever done on a small scale however, I thought the final presentation went a lot better than the self-branding because I had already done one presentation so knew I was more than capable to present the second. PPP has taught me valuable lessons and I can see a positive change in my confidence when it comes to my work and myself, I think this is a valuable module that I enjoy because it teaches you life skills inside and outside of university.

Thursday, 23 March 2017

Studio Brief 03 - Design Strategy Presentation- Production

Final presentation

These slides at the beginning are the most wordy of the whole presentation but I did this because I knew within the first few slides I would be really nervous and would probably forget to say a lot of things so by having this right in front of me it was able to act as some form of reassurance .

Including mostly imagery of the work I have created these slides will be interesting from the audience's point of view because visual imagery is always good to look at within presentations, especially presenting it to a creative group of people. It's also good to show imagery to back up what I am actually saying about my first year at uni. 

Some more slides towards the end of the presentation, I am pleased with how this has turned out and I am looking forward to presenting it because I think it really speaks the truth while still remaining quite funny.

Studio Brief 03 - Design Strategy Presentation- Planning

Key points and questions to consider for the presentation

What have you learned and what do you want to learn? 
What mistakes have you made and how have you learned from them? 
How will this affect your future development? 
What are your strengths and how have you/will you develop them further? 
What are your weaknesses and how do you intend to address these? 
What have you enjoyed and why? 
What have you disliked and why? 
How does this affect your ambitions? 
What did you want to get from the year? 
Have you achieved this? 
What have you discovered that you weren’t expecting?

Mind-maps of some of the pointers raised within the questions I can include within the presentation, I don't want to make it too wordy because it will become really boring for the viewers if they were having to read every single slide religiously. It will be way more interesting if I spoke with just a few bits of imagery within the background and just small bits of text here and there.

Who Inspires me?

While considering what I wanted to include within my final presentation, I wanted to write up a blog post about other artists and designers that inspire me. This isn't always reflected in my own work but often I find looking at existing work inspires me to be more creative and it encourages me to expand my knowledge and practise. 


This is one of my favourite pieces of work ever, the 'I will show the world how brilliant I am' just truly inspires me to do the best I can and to stick at my work and what I am doing. I like Shrigley's work because he adds lots of my kind of humour within the designs- I like how his little drawings are never perfect because I think now designers focus too much on being 'perfect', something which he isn't concerned with .


Gemma Correll's work is much more illustration based, again this is another artist who makes their work humorous and light-hearted. I have wrote about Correll's work before, she writes and creates a lot of drawings about dealing with anxiety- something which although doesn't affect me as much now, still plays a big part in my life. This means I can relate to her work because she makes light of the situation, alongside the fact I like her illustrations in general. 


This work is slightly different to the previous two and not really illustration based. I like the work of Ophelia Pang because of the colours and shapes she uses within her designs. I find them very visually pleasing in terms of how they appeal to the eye.

Tuesday, 7 March 2017

Studio Brief 02- Quote designs


I knew I wanted to have a 'brush' style typography for my quotes so I decided to experiment with creating some lettering before I did the real thing. I have lots of various pens that I have gathered through the last couple of years so guaranteed to find a pen suitable.


Studio Brief 02- Self Branding

Although some people may find this cringey or cheesy, I often find little quotes inspiring in terms of motivating myself to do work, while I am coming to the end of PPP in the first year, it has allowed me to reflect back on the time spent on it and I am able to collate and create some quotes that will motivate me in the future.

  • Create what makes you happy
  • Design work that makes you happy
  • Create work that makes you happy
  • Make it happen
  • Don't ever quit
  • Use your creativity to change the world 
  • ALWAYS be yourself
  • Have an idea? Create it
  • Have a cup of tea and make a list
  • Don't be afraid of Adobe
  • Put down your laptop and pick up a pencil
These little quotes have come off the top of my head, I have not copied them from existing quotes as I think coming up with ones that maybe describe my personality and how I work obviously relate to 'branding myself'. These can be transferred into many different ways, after re-thinking my idea about business cards, I thought it would be too obvious and typical, so I thought about A5 postcards with these quotations on the front.

Studio Brief 02- Self Branding

My Instagram account for design work

For one of my production outcomes, I have chosen to use my Instagram account set up to post my work and post what inspires me. Below are screenshots of my account that I started not long after beginning university. Once in a while I would post on my personal Instagram account images of my work and exhibitions I had visited, but thought it would be more beneficial to create an account to have it all in one place. From looking at all of the images on this page, you can definitely see a similar colour scheme occurring within my work and posts- this is why I have chosen to use my Instagram account as it reflects me as a designer and in one place lets me be creative.

Monday, 6 March 2017

Studio Brief 2 - Self Branding

Website Ideas

Creating my own website to sell my work and promote ideas, these are some screenshots of existing websites of some designers I find inspiring. 

Firstly, this website was created by illustrator Polly Vadasz who is also a student at Leeds College of Art, I find Polly inspiring not only due to the work she creates but also how she runs her shop along side studying for her degree. 

This website is illustrator Gemma Correll's, her work is incredibly funny and this reflects on her website. Within the 2 screenshots, you can see how the little illustrations turn red I thought this touch was quite interesting and makes it a lot more interactive for the user.

This website was created by designer Adam J. Kurtz, I was quite surprised when I saw this website because it was a lot more minimal than I was expecting compared to his work- personally I do not like this website as I think it is very boring.

Studio Brief 2 - Self Branding


While researching initially into business cards, I came across this article from Creative Bloq on how to improve your card. They suggest 6 main things to consider: use illustration; vary the shape; make it fun; make it funny; add a photo and embrace whitespace.

The images below are some examples of existing business cards I have found while researching them on Pinterest.

Studio Brief 2 - Self Branding Research

Myself as a brand?

What qualities in myself could transfer onto a brand/my characteristics that I want to reflect (or not)...

  • Understanding of others
  • Incredibly patient
  • Unique
  • Into more of the traditional style of graphic design (printing processes and illustration)
  • I would avoid all Adobe products if I could
  • I don't want to produce work like everyone else
  • Not what you would call a 'typical' graphic designer
  • Would say I'm very confident in myself (slowly getting there with my work)
  • Have a very particular type of colour/colour palette I like to use within my work
  • I don't take well to compliments of any kind (work or personal)
  • My motivation to do well in uni and life is so I can have my own home, studio and lots of dogs
  • I cannot work without a cup of tea
Initial ideas I could explore:

  • Speaking to my mum about this brief, the first thing she said was 'stresshead' because I get VERY stressed about everything (even this presentation) so creating something that tells people straight away I'm stressful but working under pressure works
  • As I am not great with speaking to people I do not know, I think something that explains who I am straight away will break the ice
  • An ice-breaker- something with humour to defer away from the fact I could be incredibly nervous when speaking to people, perhaps a business card with a twist
  • I think colour reflects a persons personality so creating something with my standard colour scheme may work
  • I think also people think lots of designers like to sit down in a coffee shop and shut the world out with their laptop- a diversion to encourage people to sit down and chat to discuss work
  • A business card- simple yet effective, create something people won't forget (a joke, a quote an illustration)
  • I focus a lot on making people happy, that could be reflected onto a business card itself with a little quote encouraging people to smile.

  • A distraction from my nerves
  • An ice-breaker
  • Something with humour