Saturday 19 May 2018

Presentation Self-Evaluation

Presenting is something I find incredibly difficult because I struggle a lot in terms of my confidence and my anxiety definitely holds me back from presenting to my true potential and to the best of my abilities. Firstly, I thought before criticising myself I really thought I should think about the positives and the main factor that I actually got up and presented the presentation in front of a small group of people. For that I am very proud of myself, although I did compare my presentation to everyone else's and did feel mine was quite weak just because I let my nerves get the better of me and I completely forgot to refer back to my notes therefore I feel I did not get the chance to say everything I intended to within the presentation. I definitely think I covered the key parts I wanted to get across however.

As I am not completely used to doing presentations like this, its only since coming to university have I been required to but I definitely think my confidence has grown slightly and as cliche as it sounds, practice makes perfect and I only think my presenting skill will get better the more times I do it.

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