Saturday 19 May 2018

'Out Of Order' Exhibition

Out Of Order
16-19th November 2017
The Old Truman Brewery London

About the exhibition

Whilst visiting London in November, it just so happened that I saw one of my favourite artist's Nina Cosford post this on Instagram:

I have always admired her work and even though this was only a small exhibition, I was so happy when I was able to see the work created in real life. Art and Design that is created in order to raise awareness of an issue is something that I really admire and love to incorporate within my own work because I'm a strong believer in art playing a part in making change and carrying a strong message. This also allowed me to look more into the other designers that had created work for the exhibition and I really do think the work that was created carried a really strong and powerful message, especially as each artist was also female.

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