Saturday 19 May 2018

'A History Of Magic' Exhibition At The British Library

Harry Potter: A History Of Magic
The British Library 
20th October 2017- 28th February 2018

About the exhibition:

'We unveil rare books, manuscripts and magical objects from the British Library’s collection, capturing the traditions of folklore and magic which are at the heart of the Harry Potter stories. Marvel at original drafts and drawings by J.K. Rowling and illustrator Jim Kay, both on display for the first time. 
See the gargantuan 16th-century Ripley Scroll that explains how to create a Philosopher’s Stone. Gaze at Sirius in the night sky as imagined by medieval astronomers. Encounter hand-coloured pictures of dragons, unicorns and a phoenix rising from the flames.
Celebrate the 20th anniversary of the publication of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stonewith this extraordinary new addition to J.K. Rowling’s Wizarding World.'

Although this wasn't an art exhibition directly, it was still something amazing that I am lucky to have seen. Sadly, taking any photographs inside the exhibition was prohibited but it was still an amazing experience. The exhibition was filled with tonnes of ancient historical artefacts, drawings and paintings that had been used for inspiration behind writing the Harry Potter books.


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