Thursday 17 November 2016

Studio Brief 02- Self Branding

Introduction to our studio brief on self-branding on ourselves, think about how we identify ourselves and how we want other people to look at us. 

Think about

  • Word association      
  • Purpose/focus         -what are you wanting to challenge? How do you want your work to be seen?
  • Audience                  -building your network/making connections 
  • Tone of voice           -tonality of your work- humorous/friendly/first person?
  • Imagery
  • Colours
  • Methods

Questions to consider?

  • Why did I choose graphic design?
  • Think of my identity?
  • Where do I see myself?
  • How do you want to be perceived?
  • Know your ideas
  • Consider visual appearance  (something that stands out)
  • Develop a tailored font and colour pallet 
  • Be consistent - can appear on any form
  • What platforms are you using? (Online/zine/business card)

Mini mind-map about myself and mostly what makes me happy

From this we were asked to produce a little story about ourselves...

My name is Ciara, I would not necessarily consider myself as someone who is completely confident in myself and my work. I am forever comparing my work against others, maybe I see that they've creating something so amazing that I do not have the skills to have... However, one quality which I really value about myself is making others happy and will spare no costs in doing so. I consider myself a kind and trustworthy person, I often find people come to me for advice or if they just want to talk about something. Aside from always being there for others, I also have lots of other hobbies and interests, the past few years I have learnt to do what makes me happy. This includes spending time with my family, walking my dog. I love going to gigs and I do with my close friends and boyfriend, I would consider this a happy place where I become content. I like to do things that help me escape and switch my mind off from uni work, whether it being reading a book, watching a film or even having a nap. I would confidently consider myself a friendly and approachable person therefore I would like to brand myself as someone who you could always rely on and would never let you down

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