Final Poster Design

This is my final poster design for the brief, I like the final design for this poster because it looks like a book cover, for me the colours are extremely aesthetically pleasing I stuck to a particular colour palette inspired by the posters of 'The Grand Budapest Hotel', you can see these colours individually within the colour swatches above, the colours become gradually darker in tone which is shown within the poster itself (besides the poster title). In terms of the content within the poster, I picked out the things that were most important to me in terms of the questions asked including a mixture of the course itself inspired answers and uni life as a whole. Reflecting back since September has made me realise how much I have achieved and how I have grown as a person, although I would still not consider myself at all confident I can see a slight change and progression in how I approach things and how much I have matured as an individual. By creating this poster, I did not see it necessarily as producing work for a deadline, but more like producing this to remind myself how much I have accomplished and to be proud of myself.